What is RTP (Real Time Pricing)?
Real time wholesale spot prices for energy and instantaneous reserve in each trading period are determined through the dispatch process the system operator uses to run the power system in real-time. The system operator produces 'dispatch prices' whenever they issue new dispatch instructions, typically every five minutes or so (and at least once for each 30-minute trading period).
How is it calculated and published?
Interim prices
The interim price (energy/reserve) for a trading period is the time-weighted average of the set of dispatch prices visible on WITS during that period. Any dispatch price produced by the system operator but not visible on WITS will be discarded when calculating interim prices. The interim prices are calculated and published by WITS immediately after the trading period ends.
The methodology for calculating interim prices is set out in clause 13.134A of the Code amendment.
Final prices
Price status change from interim to final happens at 14:00 on the first business day after the trading day if there is no claim of a pricing error (under clause 13.182A), or one hour after the Authority determines no pricing error has occurred or rejects a pricing error claim (under clause 13.182B). The Clearing Manager validates the interim prices and then publishes the final prices on WITS.
Pricing error
A Pricing Error claim should be sent to cm@nzx.com via the following
Pricing Error Claim Template
As per the Code, a pricing error is defined as an error in an interim price or interim reserve price as a result of,
i. a dispatch price or dispatch reserve price that was not made available on WITS being used to calculate the interim price or interim reserve
price; or
ii. the clearing manager having followed an incorrect process in calculating that interim price or interim reserve price, in contravention of this
Pricing error claim process: